Archives for 2010

10 Principles for Successful Social Engineering

Do you know what makes a social engineering attempt successful?  Much of the current literature focuses on various tools and tactics such as NLP, framing, weapons of influence, trust etc.  However what makes a person comply isn’t a particular method or approach, but how effectively you use specific principles. The power of a social engineering tactic stems from the fact that these principles are (often) built into the tactic itself.  So if you want to succeed at social engineering, you need … [Read more...]

Social Proof Explained

Social proof is one of the most powerful weapons of influence that Cialdini talks about in his book Influence: Science and Practice. This technique so powerful that everyone uses social proof, often without even realizing it. The idea behind social proof is that in ambiguous situations (especially social ones), we tend to look to others to determine what behavior is appropriate. By looking to someone else for guidance, we are essentially allowing their behaviors to influence ours. While … [Read more...]